What to Expect
Relax! Your first visit to our office is designed to give you a chance to get to know us while getting the answers to all of your questions. We’ll also learn more about you, including your orthodontic needs and goals.
The typical first visit takes 60 minutes, but we’ll take as much time as is necessary to discuss your questions and concerns as well as to diagnose your orthodontic problem.
When you arrive, we’ll take you on a tour of our office and introduce you to the “great faces” team. We will then assist you in providing us with a complete medical and dental history (it’s helpful if before your visit you can take a few minutes to complete the medical history form and bring it with you).

We’ll then take photographs of your face and teeth—it will be fun to look at your before and after pictures once your treatment is complete!
Dr. Law will then examine your teeth, oral soft tissues, jaw joint, and profile, as well as study how you breathe, swallow, and bite. While this examination is thorough, it will not be uncomfortable.
After the evaluation is complete, we’ll discuss your wishes and goals so we can incorporate them into treatment options designed to achieve the ideal outcome.
When we explain the details of your treatment plan, we’ll cover topics such as length of treatment, fees, and payment options. Our goal is to give you all the information you need so you can make the choice that’s right for you—and so that we can deliver quality care that results in a happy, healthy smile!
Your Full-Service Orthodontic Practice
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Call us Today
Flexible Opening Hours : We guarantee you will not have to miss school or work for your appointment. Appointments available Monday-Friday and some Saturdays. Open as early as 7:00 AM so you can have your appointment before school or work. Open as late as 6:00 PM, so you can come to your appointments after school or work.
© Copyright 2019. Align Orthodontics Ltd. All rights Reserved. Privacy Policy
Your Full-Service Orthodontic Practice
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Call us Today
Flexible Opening Hours : We guarantee you will not have to miss school or work for your appointment. Appointments available Monday-Friday and some Saturdays. Open as early as 7:00 AM so you can have your appointment before school or work. Open as late as 8:00 PM, so you can come to your appointments after school or work.
© Copyright 2019. Align Orthodontics Ltd. All rights Reserved. Privacy Policy