Life With Braces
So you now have braces. Now what?! The following tips will help to ease your transition and address any concerns that may arise.
General Soreness
For the first three to five days after getting your braces, your mouth may be sore and your teeth tender to biting pressure. You can help relieve this by vigorously rinsing your mouth with warm saltwater (one teaspoon of salt dissolved in 8 ounces of warm water).
If the tenderness is severe, take a pain reliever (e.g., acetaminophen or ibuprofen) that you normally take for a headache or similar pain. (It’s important, however, that you do not take ibuprofen for more than two (2) days as it slows down the movement of your teeth.)
Your lips, cheeks, and tongue may also be irritated for the first week or two as they toughen up and become accustomed to the surface of the braces. Putting wax on the braces can help. Just ask and we’ll show you how!

Eating with Braces
For the first day or so, stick to soft foods and avoid tough meats, hard breads, and raw vegetables. While eating will get easier, you’ll need to protect your orthodontic appliances for as long as you’re wearing braces.
Foods to avoid while you have braces include:
- Chewy/Sticky foods: chewing gum, gummy bears, caramel, sticky candy bars.
- Crunchy foods: popcorn, ice, chips, anything on a bone.
- Hard foods: nuts, candy, sugar cane.
- Foods you have to bite into: corn on the cob, apples, carrots. For some of these foods, you can change the consistency so they’re still edible with braces. For example, you may eat apples sliced into thin pieces and carrots that are cooked.
Keep in mind that it’s not just foods that you need to be careful with—chewing on hard things like pens, pencils, or fingernails can also damage your braces, and that could mean your treatment will take longer.
Loosening of Teeth
Throughout your treatment, you’ll feel your teeth loosen. Don’t worry: this is normal, necessary, and temporary as your teeth move into their correct positions. They’ll stabilize to normal mobility after the treatment is complete.
Loose Wire or Band
Occasionally, a wire or band may come loose—if it does, don’t be alarmed. Call our office as soon as possible for an appointment to check and repair the braces. If any piece comes off, save it and bring it with you to the office.
If you have a protruding wire or other problem, check our list of emergency care tips (supplied in your Welcome Package).
With braces, it’s more important than ever that you brush and floss regularly so your teeth and gums are healthy after your orthodontic treatment ends. Be sure to also visit your dentist for a professional cleaning every four (4) months. If you’re an adult with a history of gum disease, be sure to also see a periodontist during the course of your orthodontic treatment.
View our interactive brushing and flossing instructions (supplied in your Welcome Package).
You don’t have to give up sports just because you have braces, but it is important that you ask us about special precautions. A protective mouth-guard, for example, should be worn when playing contact sports. Also, if you should have an accident involving the face while playing sports, check your mouth and the appliances immediately. If teeth are loosened or the appliances are damaged, phone at once for an appointment.

Retainer Rules
Congratulations! If you’re viewing this page, it probably means that you’ve had your braces removed and your teeth are now in their proper positions. To keep them there, follow these simple rules regarding your retainer. And remember: retainers are breakable and expensive to replace, so treat them with care and they will last for years.
- Wear retainers full-time, until Dr. Law’s office instructs otherwise.
- When eating, take retainers out and put them in their case (most retainers are lost in school lunchrooms or restaurants). Do not wrap them in paper towels. They will likely get tossed in the trash if you do. (We have heard many a sob story. Please do not let this happen to you!)
- Remove retainers when swimming.
- When retainers are not in your mouth they should ALWAYS be in a retainer case. (Pets love to chew on them!)
- Keep retainers away from hot water, hot car dashboards, pockets, the washing machine, and napkins.
- Clean retainers thoroughly once a day with a toothbrush and toothpaste, using warm but not hot water. Brushing retainers removes the plaque and eliminates odors. Efferdent or other orthodontic appliance cleaners can be used but these do not take the place of brushing.
- Initially, you may find it challenging to speak. Practice speaking, reading, or singing aloud to get used to retainers faster.
- If retainers are lost or broken call us immediately.
- If you have any questions or concerns about your retainers, or your retainers need adjusting, call us. Do not try to adjust them yourself. Never put Krazy Glue or other adhesive on your retainers.
- Always bring your retainers to your appointments.
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Flexible Opening Hours : We guarantee you will not have to miss school or work for your appointment. Appointments available Monday-Friday and some Saturdays. Open as early as 7:00 AM so you can have your appointment before school or work. Open as late as 8:00 PM, so you can come to your appointments after school or work.
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